Shikshalaya Acadamy |About us
Shikshalaya’s philosophy is inspired by the Vedic Gurukula System where the focus is on
“to learn.....”

"Freedom is not a reaction; freedom is not a choice. It is man’s pretence that because he has choice he is free. Freedom is pure observation without direction, without fear of punishment and reward. Freedom is without motive; freedom is not at the end of the evolution of man but lies in the first step of his existence. In observation one begins to discover the lack of freedom. Freedom is found in the choiceless awareness of our daily existence and activity." – J Krishnamurthi

Shikshalaya believes in this freedom and harnesses all possible ways to create an evolving environment to help the children find the freedom within. We believe that learning happens in observing self, observing environment and observing others without evaluating or judging.
Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man
Swami Vivekananda.
Vision- Shikshalaya’s vision is to keep the interest of the child, to celebrate the individuality of the child and thereby help them to bring out the best in them.
Mission- Shikshalaya’s mission is to see the children in the future to impart the qualities of:
Self-Control – Discipline
Character development – Ethos
Social awareness – Responsibility
Integral development of personality – Integrity
Propagation of purity – Truth
Preservation of knowledge and culture - Value

Chairman’s Message
Dear All!
There are schools that keep in mind the importance of text books and examinations. ‘SHIKSHALAYA’ in no exaggeration, is one such school that imparts the importance with innovation and alternatives –a new idea, novel method or latest device to improve the curricular standards.'Innovation’ means for a change, a change for betterment. It is a change not accidental, but a change introduced to serve a specific purpose. The School Management has always taken keen interest in providing qualitative infrastructure, encouragement and unflinching support in growing and marching ahead in all avenues of the school’s functioning. We are indeed grateful to the parents for choosing SA with complete confidence and entrusting their children with us to mold them into worthy citizens of the society.
With good wishes,
Sri.N.Surya Kumar,
Chairman – VLBJ TRUST
The Secretary’s Note
Dear Parents,
There are multiple paths to learning and a school should be a facilitator in the process. Education is not just about imparting knowledge, but also about training young minds with the skills of using this knowledge purposefully and effectively towards the betterment of self and society. Shikshalaya Academy understands these evolving needs of education and takes on the challenges of providing an evolved learning process to enable students to be competent, thinking, moral individuals. Education depends on how responsibly all three - school, student and home -participate in the process of learning. A commitment to this tripartite process by all three is what makes Shikshalaya Academy with core interests on Academics, Special Sports & an array of Extra-curricular activities.
With Warm Regards,
Mrs.Jaishree S Santhosh,
CEO & Secretary – VLBJ TRUST.
9/10, 9/18, Sri Venkatram Complex,
Coimbatore - 641 042,
Tamil Nadu
Admissions Open Now
For Toddler Zone(Play Group), Pre KG to Grade-4
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